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Project: OrgaNice!


OrgaNice! is a command line based application that can help academics with scheduling their tasks and keeping track of them. It also has additional features such as note taking and finding study areas within NUS, to help academics.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Link : RepoSense Dashboard

Enhancements implemented:

Contributions to User Guide (Extract)

This section is extracted to show a sample documentation that I have done for the User Guide.

3.13 Study Area Search Feature

You can search for study areas based on criteria that you desire by using this feature. You are free to loosely search. For example, if you enter as this, you will receive a list of places related to the name Starbucks as “bux” is a common abbreviation used for it.

3.13.1 Entering Study Area Search Interface

To enter the Study Area search interface, you can enter ‘study’ in the main interface. You will then be guided to the study area search interface.


Example of usage: study

Expected Outcome:

     Please enter the location for your desired study area.
     Enter "help" for a list of supported flags. Flags should
     only come after location, if a criteria for location is
     entered. When you are done with the search, enter "bye".

You can start the search by entering the criteria desired. Supported criteria include name, address, faculty, ports availability, environment and size capacity. For name, address or faculty, you simply have to enter it as a string. For other supported conditions, flags have to be used.

Below are the supported flags:


{name\address\faculty} {flags} is the basic format to search for Study Areas. You can enter either argument, or both. If both arguments are specified, flags will have to precede either the name,address or faculty.


Search by name, address or faculty

Example of usage: bux

Expected Outcome:

     Here are the available study areas!
     Name: Opposite Town Green (Outside Starbucks)
     Address: 2 College Avenue West Education Resource Centre,
     Ground Level
     Faculty: Utown
     Port: true
     Indoor: false
     Maximum number of Pax: 4
     Name: Starbucks
     Address: 2 College Avenue West Education Resource Centre,
     Ground Level
     Faculty: Utown
     Port: true
     Indoor: true
     Maximum number of Pax: 5
     Please enter the location for your desired study area.

Search by name, address or faculty and with flags

Example of usage: bux -o

Expected Outcome:

     Here are the available study areas!
     Name: Opposite Town Green (Outside Starbucks)
     Address: 2 College Avenue West Education Resource Centre,
     Ground Level
     Faculty: Utown
     Port: true
     Indoor: false
     Maximum number of Pax: 4
     Please enter the location for your desired study area.

NOTE: When using this format, flags must always come after the location, name or address. Else, the system will return an error message.

Search by flags only

Example of usage : -s 6

Expected output:

     Here are the available study areas!
     Name: EA Level 4
     Address: 9 Engineering Drive 1,EA, Level 4, Outside Staff
     Faculty: Engineering
     Port: true
     Indoor: false
     Maximum number of Pax: 6
     Please enter the location for your desired study area.

Future Enhancements

The current implementation does not include real-time availability of the study areas. In version 3.0 we hope to be able to retrieve real-time availability of public study areas, like the ones in U-Town. In order to do so we would require access to real-time data like CCTV monitors of the study areas to detect if there is an available seat at a specific point of time at a specific area. Also, due to time constraint, we were not able to gather an exhaustive list for the study area. At version 3.0 we aim to reach full breadth for the data on study areas in NUS.

3.15. Calendar View

3.15.1. Enter Calendar

Example of usage:


Expected output:

     Enter the month and year that you wish to see:

3.15.2. Enter Desired Month to View

To view tasks for current month

Example of usage:


Expected output:

Tasks for: APRIL, 2020
|SUN                        |MON                        |TUE                        |WED                        |THU                        |FRI                        |SAT                        |
|                           |                           |                           |                          1|                          2|                          3|                          4|
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
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|                          5|                          6|                          7|                          8|                          9|                         10|                         11|
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|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                         12|                         13|                         14|                         15|                         16|                         17|                         18|
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           | [D][N] submit cg2028 r... |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
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To view tasks for future months


  1. Input for both month and year must be integers.
  2. This feature only supports the current and future months.
  3. Any details that exceed the limit within the designated box for the day, will have the last three displayed characters as ellipses.

Example of usage:

5 2020

Expected output:

Tasks for: MAY, 2020
|SUN                        |MON                        |TUE                        |WED                        |THU                        |FRI                        |SAT                        |
|                         31|                           |                           |                           |                           |                          1|                          2|
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           | [E] cs2113 final exam     |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                          3|                          4|                          5|                          6|                          7|                          8|                          9|
|                           | [D][N] math assignment    |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           | [D][N] physics assignm... |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
|                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |                           |
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|                         10|                         11|                         12|                         13|                         14|                         15|                         16|
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3.15.3 To escape from Calendar View Command

In any case that you wish not to exit calendar mode after entering it, you can enter “bye” to exit.

Example of usage:


Expected output:

     You are now back in main interface. Enter "help" for a
     list of supported commands

Contributions to the Developer’s Guide (Extracts):

The sections I contributed to in the Developer’s Guide are as follows. Note that the content below just shows an extract of the documentation I have done. The purpose of the extract is to show my documentation capability.

Extract 1 (Class Diagram)

2.3. Study Area Component

2.3. Study Area Component

The Study Area component depends on 3 other components,

  1. Command Component - The Command component issues instructions for the Study Area component to execute based on the user’s input.

  2. UI Component - The UI component is used to display the results (and related exceptions) of the commands issued to the Study Area Component.

  3. ResourceLoader Component - The ResourceLoader component is used to load data of all existing Study Areas in NUS into text files when the User first run the software. Eventually, data will be referred from the created text file.

Study Area Component

Figure 3. Class diagram for Study Area Component

The Study Area component contains 3 separate classes. They are as follows:

  1. Dictionary: Class to map user input to specific terms used in StudyAreaList.

  2. StudyArea: Class that is used to model Study Areas.

  3. StudyAreaList: Class that handles the list of available Study Areas based on User input.

Details on the methods are listed in the glossary

Extract 2 (Sequence Diagram)

3.2. Listing Study Areas

3.2.1 Implementation

The Study Area search is facilitated by StudyAreaList. In this class, it has the list of all existing Study Areas, stored internally as an ArrayList. This ArrayList is called studyAreaList.

To list the Study Area, we iterate through the entire list of all existing Study Area and conduct a check. The check is as follows :

If in each Study Area, the Study Area meets all the flags stated by the User, the Study Area is then added to the list of available Study Area. If not, the iteration is skipped and move on to the subsequent Study Area.

To do as mentioned above, the StudyAreaList class implements the following main methods :

Below would be a sequence diagram to demonstrate how the search algorithm is operated.

Study Area Sequence_Diagram_Main

Figure 9. Interaction between User and Study Area Search Interface


Figure 10. Interaction within Study Area Search Interface


Figure 11. Interaction when isAvailStudyArea is invoked

You can refer here for a detailed explanation on the terms used in this diagram

3.2.2 Alternative

Aspect: How to search based on User input.

There exist four flags: port availability, indoor, outdoor, capacity. Create adjacency lists that map the flag to the Study Area itself. If the Study Area contains that attribute, the Study Area is added in that specific attribute list. Depending on the type of attribute, the adjacency list can be implemented using different data structures.

For example, let’s take only the two study areas below as the entire data set.


Figure 12. Sample Data

This will result in the following adjacency lists :


Indoor -> {Starbucks}
Outdoor -> {Opposite Town Green (Outside Starbucks)}

Data Structure : 2D Array, with only two rows (For indoors and outdoors)


Yes -> {Opposite Town Green (Outside Starbucks), Starbucks}
No -> null

Data Structure: 2D Array, with only two rows (For Yes and No)


4 -> {Opposite Town Green (Outside Starbucks)}
5 -> {Starbucks}

Data Structure: HashMap<Integer, ArrayList>

The creation and initialisation of the lists are done when the software is setting up. Therefore, each flag has its designated list. Based on user criteria, concatenate an output list with the Study Areas that are found in all of the relevant flag lists stated by the user. If more than one requirement is entered by the user, only the Study Areas appears in all the related attributes specified by the User will be added to the output list.

Therefore, the first alternative is chosen, as it is much easier to implement and lesser memory is used while searching

Extract 3 (General Documentation)

4. Testing

Currently, we have two runners to execute the tests, JUnit and Gradle.
Note: It is advisable to run tests with coverage, to ensure that 90% of the paths are covered.

Using IntelliJ JUnit

Firstly check if the configuration, “All in ‘tp.test’” exist. You need to edit a configuration if there isn’t any to run all tests.

To edit a configuration, click Run then click on Edit Configurations. Proceed to click the + icon, followed by JUnit

Afterward, ensure that the configurations are as such:


Figure 13. Configuring JUnit Tests

To run all tests, right-click on the src/test/java folder and choose Run ‘All in ‘tp.tests’’ with coverage This allows for you to see which path has the test covered so that you can ensure at least 90% of the paths are covered when testing.

Alternatively, you can click on this icon to run with coverage :


Figure 14. Running JUnit Tests

To run a subset of tests, you can right-click on a test package, test class, or a test and choose Run with coverage.

Using Gradle

Firstly ensure that the Gradle build has the following details:


Figure 15. Expected Gradle Build

Next, to run using Gradle, you can click on the Gradle plugin icon at the left-hand side

Then click on the elephant icon (as seen below) and search for Gradle test then proceed to click on it.


Figure 16. Gradle Icon

Now the configuration is set to Gradle. Proceed to click the icon:


Figure 17. Running Gradle Test