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GanapathySanathBalaji - Project Portfolio

Project: OrgaNice!


OrgaNice! is a command line based application that can help academics with scheduling their tasks and keeping track of them. It also has additonal features such as note taking and finding study areas within NUS, to help academics.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Link : RepoSense Dashboard

Enhancements implemented:

3.12. Schedule tasks

If you have a bunch of assignments, projects and exams happening over the next few weeks and are stressed out with planning a schedule which can fulfill the requirements, our schedule task command can help you by creating a feasible schedule. It creates a schedule based on the tasks details provided by you.


schedule <number of task to be scheduled> - Used to schedule a set of tasks specified by the user

Then a set of lines are displayed which specify the format to be used to specify the new tasks to be scheduled. After you input the relevant data. The application would find a feasible schedule satisfying your constraints, if it is possible to do so. If it is possible, the list of events that were created when the task were scheduled is added to the current list of tasks. If it is impossible, a message to alert the user is specified too. If the wrong format is used an invalid command alert would be displayed.

Example of usage:

schedule 3 - Schedule 3 tasks

Expected outcome:

     Enter tasks in the following format:
     <task name> /f <Time to finish task in days> /d <Number of
     days left from current day to finish it>
     Enter details for task 1:

math exam /f 2 /d 10 - Details of first task

Expected outcome:

 Enter details for task 2:

physics exam /f 3 /d 7 - Details of second task

Expected outcome:

 Enter details for task 3:

chemistry exam /f 1 /d 4 - Details of third task

Expected outcome:

     Details captured successfully.
     chemistry exam is scheduled from 2020-03-27 to
     physics exam is scheduled from 2020-03-28 to
     math exam is scheduled from 2020-03-31 to
     Tasks successfully scheduled.

Future Enhancements

The current version of the application doesn’t take into account the other tasks present, however the priority values can still be used to decide the task which is more important. In v3.0 our application will support scheduling tasks while avoiding tasks present previously and also add support for tasks to be scheduled preemptively (i.e, tasks can be scheduled over non contiguous days) .

6. Formats Used

Time should be in the form of HH:MM (24 Hour Format, HH - Hour, MM - Minute)
Date should be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD (YYYY - Year, MM - Month, DD - Day)

Contributions to the Developer Guide (Extracts):

    I contributed to the following sections in the Developer Guide.
    Due to recommended page limit not all sections contributed by 
    me have been shown below.
    They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and
    the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

2.1. Architecture


Figure 1. Overall Architecture of OrgaNice!

  1. Duke - Main component which controls the flow of execution.

  2. Ui - Component used to get input from the user and display results on the monitor.

  3. Parser - Component used to abstract out the command based on user’s input, so that the command can be executed later.

  4. Command - Component contains information and implementation on how to execute various types of commands.

  5. Task - Component contains details about handling the task list and related operations.

  6. StudyArea - Component contains details about handling queries for study area search.

  7. Notes - Component contains details about Notes related operations.

  8. Exception - Component contains the various types of exceptions encountered when OrgaNice! is run.

  9. ResourceLoader - Component handles loading and saving of the task list and study area details to local storage.

2.2. Task Component

The Task component depends on 3 other components,

  1. Command Component - The Command component issues instructions for the Task component to execute based on the user’s input.

  2. UI Component - The UI component is used to display the results (and related exceptions) of the commands issued to the Task Component.

  3. ResourceLoader Component - The ResourceLoader component is used to load the list of tasks stored previously when the application is started and is also used to store the current list of tasks to the local storage upon exit.

Task Component

Figure 2. Object Diagram for Task Component

The task component contains 8 separate classes. They are as follows:

  1. Task : Abstract class used to model a generic task.

  2. Event : Specialized task class used to model events.

  3. Deadline : Specialized task class used to model a deadline.

  4. TaskType : Enumeration class used to denote the various task types.

  5. TaskList : Container class used to store list of tasks and handle related operations.

  6. SchedulableTask : Class used to model a task which is scheduled based on user’s requirements.

  7. TaskComparator : Contains a custom comparator used to compare two schedulable tasks based on their numberOfDaysLeft attribute.

  8. TaskScheduler : Class used to check for feasibility and schedule a list of tasks based on user’s requirements.

3. Implementation

3.1. Scheduling Tasks

3.1.1 Implementation

Inorder to schedule tasks based on the user’s requirement a separate SchedulableTask class was created.

  1. The user’s requirements (Name, Time to complete it, Deadline) are captured for each of the tasks to be scheduled.
  2. The requirements captured are stored in the SchedulableTask object.
  3. Then, the TaskScheduler object finds the optimum schedule based on the user’s requirements using the EDF (Early Deadline First) algorithm.
  4. If a feasible schedule is found it is displayed, else a message stating that a schedule based on the user’s requirements can’t be made is displayed.

The following sequence diagrams explain how tasks are scheduled.

Overall Sequence Diagram

Figure 5. Overall Sequence Diagram

The three reference frames used are as follows:

Sub Diagram 1

Figure 6. Sub Diagram 1

Sub Diagram 2

Figure 7. Sub Diagram 2

Sub Diagram 3

Figure 8. Sub Diagram 3

3.1.2 Alternatives

Aspect : How to capture user’s requirements and handle it.